Oracle 11g Password Sniffing and Cracking - 程序园
It’s now possible for us to do sniffing oracle 11g password and cracking at the same time. If the old version of Cain & abel doesn’t support oracle 11g , just try the newest version of it , Cain & Abe
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查询所有连接到ORACLE服务器的客户端IP地址的方法 - 游鱼の专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET
【说明】 Oracle中通过v$session表中的OSUSER和MACHINE字段可以查看当前客户端登陆连接的"操作系统名称"和"机器名",但没能查看到客户端电脑IP。查询:select * from v$session where username='HFY120401';--------------------------
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